To understand your personal journey, we will work together to develop a comprehensive history of your symptoms, life experiences, and values to form an individualized plan.

Initial Contact

Initial Contact

Email or call to set up a 15-minute consultation where we’ll get to know each other and discuss:

  • Your basic concerns and challenge

  • Cost estimates and payment arrangement

  • Necessary forms and paperwork

  • Referral to patient portal

Review Symptoms

Review Symptoms

At your first visit we will explore your symptoms in detail by reviewing specific signs that are associated with diagnoses, whether medical, neurological, behavioral, cognitive, or emotional

  • How do you experience your symptoms?

  • What do they feel like?

  • When did they begin?

  • What makes them better or worse?

Review Personal History

Review Personal History

To understand your history, we will briefly review salient events that have informed your life course:

  • Where were you born?

  • Who was in your family?

  • What was your early experience like?

  • How did school go? Were there learning problems?

  • Did you have friends? Enjoy activities?

  • What traumatic experiences did you encounter?

Individual Formulation

Individual Formulation

We will discuss what we have uncovered, and I will offer a synthesis so we can collaborate to form individualized short and long term plans that may or may not include:

  • Medications & other biological modalities

  • Additional testing as needed

  • Ongoing psychotherapeutic work with me or with a therapist of your choosing

  • Collaboration with your primary care physician and involved specialists

  • Family involvement

Work Toward Goals

Work Toward Goals

After your short and long term goals are established, we will work through your plan together.